The Associazione Culturale il Palmerino aps, adhering to the Municipality of Florence's call for bids "Firenze Insolita" for the second year after the great success of 2021, proposes a series of initiatives aimed at narrating the city and its surroundings with special attention to Quartiere 2 and its territory.
The programme consists of a series of unusual itineraries inspired by the recent documentary 'Firenze città delle acque' (Florence, city of water), by the three Tuscan directors Becattini, Nocentini, Nardoni and already presented last November at the La Compagnia cinema theatre. In the film, the element of water, a founding myth for every civilisation, becomes the protagonist of a Florence seen from an innovative point of view capable of attracting a less conventional interest in discovering the stories that run along the minor rivers that flow through it. The inaugural event will open the series of activities entitled: "The Sentimental Traveller", with a new screening of the documentary at the Palmerino on 10 March at 6 pm in the presence of the authors.
This will be followed by guided itineraries to discover Landscape, Culture, Art and Science along the three streams that feed the Arno: Mugnone ( 12 March from 3 to 6 pm), Affrico ( 25-26 March from 3 to 6 pm ) and Mensola ( 2 April from 3 to 6 pm ). The narration will be enriched by the landscape encounters on the way but also by stories of successful entrepreneurs, of Florentine and foreign personalities who lived in Florence and are little known. The walks will be concluded or crossed by musical moments in theme with the characterising subject by well-known professionals in the classical and Renaissance fields and the Suonatori de' La leggera, experts in musical anthropology. In April ( on the 15th and 16th ) at the Villa Il Palmerino it will be possible to visit the garden and its spring blooms with a highly original introduction to its history that combines new media, dance and poetry in a timeless journey between history and emotion by the young choreographer Silvia Giordano.
In the choice of shifting the focus to a sensitive journey in empathy with the place, there are undoubtedly many influences derived from reading the text "The Sentimental Traveller" (1908) by the English writer Vernon Lee, who made Villa Il Palmerino her residence for almost fifty years at the turn of the century and from which the association's current cultural programme is inspired. This philosophy responds perfectly to the objectives of the programme of the Municipality of Florence and the Ministry of Tourism, which, with this project, wants to encourage a more respectful approach to places and decentralise from the more conventional tourist destinations the attention of the tourist, but also of the citizen, who since the pandemic period has re-appropriated his city with new curiosity, taking unusual routes to discover being in nature in a more sustainable way and in harmony with the territory.
For this reason, the routes and timetables have been designed to limit the use of cars and take advantage of public transport, also encouraging the use of the trains that use the small stations on the outskirts of Florence. The routes last about 2 hours with medium difficulty and are suitable for non-expert walkers. Participation is limited to 30 people per group and there is a participation fee of 15 euro (for association members 10 euro).
Booking is compulsory for each initiative. In the event of bad weather, the dates of the walks may be subject to change.
THEMES AND KEYWORDS for socials Unusual itineraries and off the beaten tourist paths; respectful and sustainable use of the city 'new' places and delocalisation, building a different and innovative 'storytelling'.