
Within the framework of the In Vernon Lee's name event, there will be three multidisciplinary workshops in which participants will be...

In Vernon Lee's name
On 28, 29 and 30 August, guests are invited to attend several events organised by Il Palmerino Cultural Association, in collaboration...

A new performance written and directed by Francesco Mancini On July 20,22 audiences enjoyed the premiere of a new performance by...

Dance by and with Alessandro Marzotto Levy Music composed by Felis Oxiana Realization by PHYSALIA July 14, 2022 8:00 p.m. Alchi-mina ...

Performance by a theatre group directed by Alessio Montagnani, loosely based on the Spoon River Anthology by Edgard Lee Masters. 4-6 July...

2022/ Oltrarno Gaze. Taking cues from historic women artists
The Oltrarno Gaze 2022 exhibition and events series is a dialogue through the centuries that forges a bridge between modern-day art and...